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Maintenance Connection Canada

Created: 2021.03.24 | Last updated: 2023.05.12

Disaster-proof Your Operations with Maintenance Connection Everywhere

In an increasingly connected world, we often take our access to the internet for granted. However, it's important to be prepared for the unexpected – and that's where Maintenance Connection Everywhere (MCe) comes in. Our offline mobile technician family of products offers a robust solution for technicians, allowing them to function efficiently even in the face of communication disruptions. In this article, we will discuss how MCe can help protect your organization from disasters and work towards bringing things back to normal quicker. When Connectivity Fails, MCe Steps Up Our customer's experience with a destroyed communications tower highlights the importance of having an offline solution for critical operations. With MCe, technicians can continue working on their tasks without needing a constant connection to the server. In scenarios where communication is disrupted, this offline functionality allows work to carry on uninterrupted.

The Benefits of MCe

  1. Uninterrupted work: When the world grinds to a halt due to connectivity issues, you can continue to get your work done using MCe.
  2. Efficient bandwidth usage: If there is some communication available, you can sync periodically without using up a lot of valuable bandwidth.
  3. Considerate of emergency workers: By not hogging the bandwidth, you allow emergency workers to have the connectivity they need to address the situation.

Similar Situations

While the destruction of communication towers is a rare event, other scenarios can lead to connectivity issues, such as equipment failure, severe storms, or even terrorist attacks. Being prepared for these situations is crucial. How to Be Prepared with MCe

  1. Choose the right software: Maintenance Connection Everywhere has been a trusted provider since 2003, offering the best offline/online Work order, Asset, and Inventory management solution.
  2. Download your work: Ensure that your device has a few days' worth of work orders downloaded, allowing you to work without a connection.
  3. Keep your devices charged: Maintain enough power to continue working even during power outages.
  4. Be respectful of emergency workers: Avoid using bandwidth during emergencies, allowing the professionals to do their jobs.

The Mobile Misconception: Don't Confuse Mobility with Offline Capability

The term "mobile" might evoke a sense of freedom and independence, but when it comes to software solutions, it's important to understand that mobility doesn't necessarily imply the ability to work without an internet connection. In fact, many mobile applications, including some of the closest competitors to Maintenance Connection Everywhere (MCe), falter when faced with connectivity issues, leading to potential data loss and inefficiency. As a savvy user, you should test your software's offline capabilities before disaster strikes. Switch your device to airplane mode, simulating a loss of connectivity, and observe how your application performs. With MCe, you can be confident that the offline functionality will exceed your expectations and ensure that your work continues seamlessly. Furthermore, take the time to ensure that you have the right data downloaded to your device. This way, you'll be prepared to tackle any task during an emergency without being hindered by a lack of connectivity. When it comes to intermittent or "flakey" internet connections, many customers have been disappointed to find that their mobile software is ill-equipped to handle such circumstances. This frustration is amplified when, after spending considerable time working on a task, the attempt to submit data results in an error message, informing the user that their work has been lost due to a brief connectivity hiccup. This is where Maintenance Connection Everywhere stands apart from the competition. With MCe, users can rest assured that their work is safeguarded from the pitfalls of unreliable internet connections, allowing them to focus on their tasks without fear of losing valuable time and data. In summary, it's crucial to understand that "mobile" doesn't always equate to offline capability. With Maintenance Connection Everywhere, you can enjoy true offline functionality and protection from unreliable internet connections, ensuring that your work continues unimpeded, regardless of the circumstances. Don't leave your productivity to chance – trust MCe to keep you on track, even when connectivity fails you.